Company info

This website (the “Site”) is operated by AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS, a simplified joint stock company with a capital of 10,000 euros, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number: RCS 499 887 453.

The company’s registered office is at
131 boulevard Pereire
75017 Paris (France)

Website hosting

The site is hosted on servers operated by OVH SAS (RCS LILLE METROPOLE 424 761 419 00045), headquartered at :
2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1 – France

Terms and conditions of use


By using the Site, you expressly agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, which may modify at any time in accordance with the terms hereof. Please check these Terms and Conditions periodically for changes. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, you are not authorized to use this Site.

Intellectual property

Unless otherwise specified, all site content, graphics, images, texts, logos, gifs, png and icons, as well as their layout, are the exclusive property of AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS, with the exception of trademarks, logos or content belonging to other partner companies or published by site members. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, retransmission or publication of these elements is strictly forbidden without the express written consent of AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS. For all requests for authorization or information, please send them via the contact form.

Limitations of liability

AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for information published in comments posted by Internet users. In addition, AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS reserves the right to intervene to modify or delete any content perceived as contrary to current legislation on defamation, racism, abusive language, etc.. AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS also reserves the right to delete any content or any user account for any reason whatsoever, without having to justify itself.

Publishing comments

In using these services, you agree not to publish any content (text, photos, sound files, videos, links to other sites, etc.) that is defamatory, abusive, vulgar, hateful, obscene, threatening, invasive of privacy or contrary to French or international law. You also agree not to publish any content containing protected information or creations unless you have the necessary rights to publish them, or written authorization from the owner of these rights. Spam, flooding and advertising are prohibited.

Please note that it is impossible for the team to confirm the validity of all content published by Internet users. AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS cannot monitor all content published by Internet users, and is therefore not responsible for such content. AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information presented. The messages published express the opinion of their authors and not that of AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS. Anyone who believes that a published comment does not comply with this charter is invited to alert the administrators as soon as possible, or to report abusive content via the contact form. AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS reserves the right to delete or modify any content deemed not to comply with this charter, within a reasonable time. As the procedure is manual, it cannot be immediate. This procedure may also apply to information contained in members’ profiles.

You are solely responsible for the comments you post. You agree not to sue AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS and not to seek to intentionally cause harm to AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS through the use of the site’s services. AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS also reserves the right to disclose your identity (or any other information in its possession) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from your use of the site services.

When you create your account on, you can choose your username. We advise you to choose an appropriate username. For your own security, you agree never to divulge the password you choose to protect your account. You also agree never to use another person’s account, for any reason whatsoever. We recommend that you choose a unique and complex password to better secure your account. Once you have registered and logged in to, you will be given the opportunity to fill in your detailed profile. Any information deemed inappropriate or vulgar by AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS may be deleted without notice. AWILY COMMUNICATIONS SAS reserves the right to delete your account at any time, without having to justify itself, if the company considers that its interests are threatened.

Please note that your IP address is recorded for each of your posts, in case your account needs to be deleted or your ISP needs to be contacted.

Finally, please note that the software running the site places a cookie on your device, i.e. a text file containing some encrypted information (such as your user name and password). The sole purpose of this cookie is to secure your connection to and disconnection from the site.

Paid links to partner sites offers you, free of charge and without prior registration, various content including links to third-party partner sites (hereinafter “partner sites”) where you can order a service or product. may receive a commission on orders you place with partner sites after clicking on these links.

The offers, services or products presented to you are not exhaustive of all the offers available on the Internet and are the result of editorial research by the teams and data provided by partner sites.
In some cases, the default order of presentation of the offers given may depend on several factors depending on the type of search you perform.

The periodic updating of data, and in particular prices, differs from offer to offer: it varies according to the partner sites and’s technical and editorial requirements. If you then wish to purchase the good or service you have selected, you must visit the website of the partner site of your choice.

Partner sites are third parties. Therefore, when you use the services offered by a partner site and, in particular, when you visit its website from to purchase a good or service, you are subject to its Terms of Use, being extraneous to your relationship with this partner site. Likewise, in the event of an order for one of these products and following acceptance of this order by the partner site concerned, the price indicated on the partner site at the time of your purchase will be the price actually applied.

In the event of differences between the information and data displayed on the website and those displayed on the partner site, the latter shall prevail.

Amazon Partner Club

As an Amazon Partner, makes a profit on qualifying purchases when you order a product by clicking on a link to the Amazon site.

Use of cookies

Please visit our privacy policy page.

General provisions

In the event that any portion of these Terms and Conditions is declared invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, including, without limitation, the limitations of liability set forth above, the invalid or unenforceable provisions in question shall be deemed superseded by valid, enforceable provisions that best reflect the intent of the original clause, with the remaining terms of these Terms and Conditions remaining in full force and effect. shall have the right to assign, transfer, subcontract or delegate any rights, duties or obligations under these Terms and Conditions. No such right is granted to you. You agree that neither these Terms and Conditions nor any use of the Site shall create any partnership, joint venture, employment or agency relationship between you and As this Site is not periodically updated on a regular basis, it should not, therefore, be declared as an editorial product under any legal system whatsoever.