Sherlock Found It

Buy It For Life is our obsession

Always on the lookout for the best product, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards.
“It doesn’t scare me to spend 1 year looking for my next laptop, or 3 months looking for the best backpack for my wife.”
Sherlock Found It

Welcome to Sherlock Found It

More details

Transparency is one of our watchwords. So here’s more info for those interested.


Laurent is our senior editor, freelancer, teacher and founder of Sherlock found it!

South America

An expatriate for the past 7 years, I live in South America. It’s fair to say that my obsessive temperament makes me a seasoned buyer who never validates a product without having gone through all the options – several times. My motto: one purchase = one excel spreadsheet 🙂


I lived in France for 39 years before moving to South America. I’ve been lucky enough to set foot on 5 continents and put many products to the test, and those that are still with me belong here!

Who we are :

Quite simply, we’re experienced buyers. We know where to find good Buy it for life equipment ideas that you may not find in stores or when shopping online. We’re no strangers to reasoned shopping, and we’ll help you avoid any “wrong ideas”: we’ve made enough mistakes in the past!

Over the years, we’ve become familiar with many products and will help you make more informed choices when selecting your next Buy it for life piece of equipment.